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coding discord bots in go kinda sucks


my first language was javascript. i then quickly hated it so i moved to typescript. i started bot development with discord.js and i loved it. i loved the simplicity of it. also, the documentation was top-notch (especially for morons and people new to code like me) so it was relatively easy to get started. / however, i wanted to learn go. i had heard a lot of good things about go and i wanted to try it out. so i started learning go and i loved it. i loved the simplicity of it. i loved the performance of it. i loved the tooling of it. i loved everything about it. so i decided to make a discord bot in go.

the problem

the largest library for discord in go is discord.go. i assumed the project layout for typescript bots was similar to discord.go bots, so i started coding. grave mistake.

i would have known this if the documentation was finished, but it wasnt. there were also no up-to-date tutorials, guides, or templates out there. so i was left to figure it out myself. and i did. (kinda) after that, i decided to dig further. here is what i found:

  • the library is not beginner-friendly

    by beginner-friendly, i mean that for anyone not familiar with the discord api or the library, it is hard to get started. the only documentation was the auto-generated one on it was not beginner-friendly at all. it was hard to understand and it was not easy to navigate.

well sure, the auto-generated documentation is not the best, its still a lot better than nothing. but i see the auto-gen stuff as a reference instead of a guide. i would have loved a guide on how to get started with the library, how to make a simple bot, etc. but there was none.

  • the examples are a cluster-fuck.

    the developers of discordgo are former java devs. while nothing is wrong with that, discordgo feels like a java library. for example:
"permission-overview": func(s *discordgo.Session, i *discordgo.InteractionCreate) {
perms, err := s.ApplicationCommandPermissions(s.State.User.ID, i.GuildID, i.ApplicationCommandData().ID)

			var restError *discordgo.RESTError
			if errors.As(err, &restError) && restError.Message != nil && restError.Message.Code == discordgo.ErrCodeUnknownApplicationCommandPermissions {
				s.InteractionRespond(i.Interaction, &discordgo.InteractionResponse{
					Type: discordgo.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
					Data: &discordgo.InteractionResponseData{
						Content: ":x: No permission overwrites",

and this is one of the more tame ones. theres this beauty (please scroll, its majestic):

"options": func(s *discordgo.Session, i *discordgo.InteractionCreate) {
			// Access options in the order provided by the user.
			options := i.ApplicationCommandData().Options

			// Or convert the slice into a map
			optionMap := make(map[string]*discordgo.ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption, len(options))
			for _, opt := range options {
				optionMap[opt.Name] = opt

			// This example stores the provided arguments in an []interface{}
			// which will be used to format the bot's response
			margs := make([]interface{}, 0, len(options))
			msgformat := "You learned how to use command options! " +
				"Take a look at the value(s) you entered:\n"

			// Get the value from the option map.
			// When the option exists, ok = true
			if option, ok := optionMap["string-option"]; ok {
				// Option values must be type asserted from interface{}.
				// Discordgo provides utility functions to make this simple.
				margs = append(margs, option.StringValue())
				msgformat += "> string-option: %s\n"

			if opt, ok := optionMap["integer-option"]; ok {
				margs = append(margs, opt.IntValue())
				msgformat += "> integer-option: %d\n"

			if opt, ok := optionMap["number-option"]; ok {
				margs = append(margs, opt.FloatValue())
				msgformat += "> number-option: %f\n"

			if opt, ok := optionMap["bool-option"]; ok {
				margs = append(margs, opt.BoolValue())
				msgformat += "> bool-option: %v\n"

			if opt, ok := optionMap["channel-option"]; ok {
				margs = append(margs, opt.ChannelValue(nil).ID)
				msgformat += "> channel-option: <#%s>\n"

			if opt, ok := optionMap["user-option"]; ok {
				margs = append(margs, opt.UserValue(nil).ID)
				msgformat += "> user-option: <@%s>\n"

			if opt, ok := optionMap["role-option"]; ok {
				margs = append(margs, opt.RoleValue(nil, "").ID)
				msgformat += "> role-option: <@&%s>\n"

			s.InteractionRespond(i.Interaction, &discordgo.InteractionResponse{
				// Ignore type for now, they will be discussed in "responses"
				Type: discordgo.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
				Data: &discordgo.InteractionResponseData{
					Content: fmt.Sprintf(

well, what do these codeblocks mean? well, for starters:

  1. the first one is a command that checks if the bot has permissions to run a command. it then sends a message if it doesnt. could you tell? no? me neither.
  2. the second one is a command that takes in options and sends a message with the options. how on earth is this considered readable?

and here is the kicker; every single line of code i posted here is from the official examples. i didnt make this up. this is how the official examples look like, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. every example is a single main.go file written (sans one) are two years old lol


i dont know if i am just a moron or if the library is just bad. but i do know that i am not the only one who thinks this. im not done with all of my complaints, i just want to finish this. ill just update this blog idrc. bye

round pfp


9 Apr 2024